Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Putting Spice back into my life

August 15th was my last blog post.

It makes me a little sad that I have neglected my passion for food for so long.
As we go through our lives, things come before us that may hinder our ability to continue to do what we love, but I woke up today with a hunger for life, my dreams and to fulfill my God-given purpose!

I’m getting back on the saddle. Cooking, blogging, letting my creativity flow, continuing my projects that have been “on hold” and I would love to have you with me through this journey! Stay tuned!!! 

Ultimately, I have learned through these past six or so months that nothing is more important than your passion and purpose. Nothing should get in the way of the pursuit of your dreams. 

That said, I would like to leave you with a link/website of a person that I really admire: http://healthyflame.com/

This is Chef Rich Rosado's website.

 This Chef is my mentor, and has been one of the people in my culinary corner from day one and I’m blessed and thankful for his help. He’s an extraordinary Chef who is on his way to bigger and better things for food and the culinary world. Check it out!!!!!
 Well I hope that you stay connected with my blog and I am excited to share what is to come!!!!