Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Push your limits

Hey Ladies and Gents! I hope all finds you well!

as individuals we all have a "comfort zone" we like to rely on. Its a warm and cozy feeling that we get when we are in this zone because it is all too familiar, it is safe and its what we know.

Stepping outside of this comfy cushion is quite scary ; some even call it the "fear of the unknown"

In my opinion, if we aren't moving forward into that "unknown" we aren't living. We aren't growing to our fullest potential.
While taking things head-on can be empowering, the process we must undergo for the growth to actually take place can sometimes be grueling, painful,dark, but never permanent. We always come out on top!

I encourage you to try and conquer something you may have been dreading or have been putting on your hypothetical back burner for a while.Challenge big or small. Challenge yourself.
You may surprise yourself.

Every one who knows me knows I have a passion for Cooking that runs DEEP within me. Baking however, has quite the opposite effect on me.

Not to say I am incapable of baking, or that I look down upon it. Its just something I have never been excited by.
I am going to challenge myself to Bake an AMAZING recipe for my next blog post.
I'm not only going to bake just anything, but i will make sure it is something that i can really be proud of and fully stand behind it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I begin to take on my challenge, I encourage you to do the same.