Monday, April 30, 2012

Kick Rocks?? Nah....

Good day everyone! Hope all dings you well! So my last blog spoke about challenges and facing our personal obstacles head on... No matter how big or small. I made a personal goal to face one of my own- Baking! It's not as Challenging as it is a bit "bland" for me. Not to say that bakers lead a boring life- just saying I need to dabble in it a little more to truly find my way into becoming a better, more well-rounded Chef! Having said in my previous blog that I wanted to create a guilt-free Chocolate cake[which I regret to inform you- I am slacking lol] Don't give up on me just yet! I'll come through , I promise! I did however Bake some Pretty Awesome Cupcakes for a Reveal-the-gender party :) They were a Hit!! Staying on the subject of Challenges and obstacles, I recently came across a quote that said "it's only a dream until you write it down, then it becomes a Goal" This truly resonated with me. Growing up I had many dreams- many of which I achieved or at least attempted. The older we get we tend to let fear stop us from dreaming. Stop us from trying. Why is it that we become more aware of our surroundings and less aware of our potential? Remember the saying "hard work and dedication pays off" ? Well, it still does! Don't let people, places, things, circumstances Cripple your dreams, desires, strength or passion! There will always be stones on your path- don't let it stop you from continuing your Journey, Don't kick it out of the way, your energy is better spent on you Goal! Simply Go Around it. The more rocks you have to go around the more experience you get at dodging negativity . Remember, Misery loves company. Look around you. If you have people [rocks] in your life who will hinder your Journey, Go around them. They are stagnant! If you are fortunate enough to have people around you who can help you through your journey, make sure you thank them- they can and will pick you up if a Rock makes you fall. Falling does NOT imply failure- becoming a Rock does! Alright people- keep on trucking!!! Hope I can share a recipe with you guys on the next blog!!!! Until next time!!! Have a great day!!!