Monday, October 20, 2014

A Dash of inspiration

Hello everyone. I hope all finds you well.
For the past couple weeks I've been brainstorming my next blog post since my postings have been scarce and the last one was almost six months ago. I wanted to think of a delicious recipe, enticing, beautiful.
I needed inspiration.
I always get inspired when I go to the grocery store and I surround myself with an array of colorful produce, herbs, and spices, or simply a nice cut of meat.The last few times I've done my grocery shopping, however, I have honestly been too focused on getting the job done, grabbing what's on my shopping list, and getting out. I found myself wanting to blog, but couldn’t without the inspiration I was looking for.
Late last night, my wonderful friend asked if I could write a recipe she could feature on her blog. A recipe with a healthy twist, which I often do — but she made it even more interesting when she also asked me to tie in faith, a scripture, or a testimony.
I was instantly excited. This was the inspiration I needed.
You see, she is the very person who encouraged me to begin blogging. Back in Fall 2010, I had a conversation with this friend who blogs, and she inspired me to start one by sharing my recipes with the world. I expressed to her that I wasn't, what you call, "a writer," but she responded with, "but you're a cook." I thought, “Hmmm, OK, you have a point.”
Exploring this blogging idea further, I said, “OK, I'll do it!” I do love sharing my food and my recipes with people so it's a 'win' either way.
I began looking for a fitting name for my blog. I started brainstorming. One morning, another co-worker came to me and shared her thoughts on a perfect name for my blog, "Salt of the Earth,” she said, “Go to the book of Matthew.” Hesitantly I did. "Go to chapter 5:13." The scripture read: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."
I have to be honest, at first, I didn't understand what this scripture meant or why it would be appropriate for a food blog. After studying the verse, it dawned on me; "You are the salt of the earth" says I am seasoned with the Word of God. His scriptures. His truth. I go through this world as salted and "seasoned" by His Word. How much do I read, meditate, and apply the scriptures in my daily life? On the other side of that, how unsalted, unseasoned am I?
The scripture is saying that when you become unsalted, then you are no longer good.
Once I understood the depth of this verse, I absolutely loved it!
I found it to be extremely fitting, and that is how I was inspired to name my blog.
How does this relate to food? Well, what makes food good? Seasoning! FLAVOR!
If food isn't well seasoned, tasteless, and bland — it is no good.
God gave us his Word for spiritual substinance.
"Give us this day our daily bread" Matthew 6:11
"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ " Matthew 4:4.
We need as much spiritual substinance as we do physical. That's where my blog can help you find new, easy recipes to try something you’ve never attempted before. I want to incorporate recipes that are not only easy and delicious, but healthy. Having had my personal health obstacles, I wanted to show people you don’t have to compromise one food trait (great taste) for the other (healthy eating).
This inspires me! What inspires you?
Getting into today's recipe and keeping with the theme, let's talk seasonings!
As a cook, I like to season my food and ensure it has flavor.
I started playing around with making my own seasoning mixes because many store bought, premade seasonings contain unhealthy fillers you may not want in your food.
This is a 'clean' seasoning mix I use regularly in my kitchen; it has become a ‘staple’ and I even used it for my wedding favors.
The main ingredients are always the same, but I do interchange spices depending on the meal I'm preparing.
This recipe is super simple- and will yield a 10 oz fill of the dry mix.
I used a 16oz Mason jar.
Add your spices (shown here in 1/2 cup or 1/4 cup increments), close the lid, shake it up, and its ready to be a staple in your kitchen too. Enjoy!