Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Passion Never Fails

 “Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it”- Julia Child.

This is one of my favorite quotes. I’ve come to love it, because I have realized my passion and calling. I didn’t always know it- but it has become clearer to me in the last five years that I have found it!

 I remember as a young girl, I would watch cooking shows, wishing I could grow up to be a chef. I still remember the 1st recipe I tried making around the age of 9 or 10; I tried making shrimp scampi. That career was never encouraged, it just wasn’t considered a “real job” (Even though my grandfather and 2 uncles were chefs)

Fast forward to present day; after having had the opportunity to work in different career fields, (to include the armed forces) I am blessed to say, I am a Chef.

While in Culinary school I met a Chef instructor, who has become my Culinary Mentor. He is my brother as he is a Marine Veteran Like myself (Ooh Rah!), a person of Faith and has a real passion for Education, Health and Food like I do. 

I interviewed Chef Rich Rosado, to give the rest of you an opportunity to get to meet the Chef of  1-Dish J
Where are you from? I was born and raised in the most wonderful place on earth : New York!!!!!!!!!!
How long have you been cooking? I have been cooking for about 19  wonderful years now.
Places you’ve worked? I have worked in Rainbow Room, Windows on the World, Night Gallery, Royal Pacific Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Instructor, Personal Chef, Thermador Corporate Chef for the East Coast
When did you know that Cooking was your calling? I knew cooking was my calling when I went to tour The Culinary Institute of America and got my first job in a restaurant. I fell in love instantly and never looked back.
Who was your food influence growing up? I am not sure if I had an influence growing up but definitely remember watching my mother and grandmother cook big meals for the family.
Favorite Childhood food / comfort food? If I had to pick a favorite childhood food I guess it would be a carne guisada also known as beef stew, with some good short grain rice.
What would you consider to be your specialty? I couldn’t say I have a specialty when it comes to a specific cuisine. Because I’m in love with food. I have tried to cook all types of cuisine. This has allowed me to love something about every cuisine. What I do try and master is the cooking techniques. When that is mastered any cuisine can be cooked.
What is your current driving force behind what do? Creating 1-Dish was done because I had a responsibility and ability to do something about the health conditions in America. We are unhealthy and eat horribly and I knew I could help change that 1 dish at a time. There is a huge lack of food and culinary knowledge in American society, and I had to change this and help people. I have done many cooking demos for the cancer society and diabetes center and have seen so many adults and children fighting for their lives. Food is such a powerful medicine having the ability to aid in their recovery is a must for me. I have seen so many teenagers and young adults that are over weight and have been picked-on all their lives they are scarred emotionally and I know that hurts all parts of their lives. The pain they are going through and the feeling I get helping them fuels my fire out of control. The fire I have within is like a raging inferno, and harnessing it and making sure I focus all that energy into grinding and never stopping.
Why is Cooking so rewarding? Because, I am so in love with food I appreciate the sacrifice these animals and farmers put into the food I use. I love taking that and making meals that not only honor their work and sacrifice but, honor the food itself. I love enhancing the quality of certain foods as well as looking at a beautiful product in its raw stage. When it’s fresh it has a “masterpiece” look to it. I also love cooking meals for people who may not be able to eat like that or eat food of that quality. It makes a special event that much greater, making a great meal is making a memory and I love being able to give people great food memories.
What has been one of your best experiences as a Chef to Date? Being a chef has given me some great opportunities. I have been able to cook for many celebrities and very wealthy people, however my favorite and most memorable experiences have been cooking for hospitals. I have been able to cook for the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). I was blessed to feed the parents who have their children there. I know they do not want to leave their children’s bedside or even think of eating so I brought the food to them. I have also cooked for the cancer society and diabetes centers for people that are in fear of losing their lives. The food was based on foods that aid in their recovery. These are everyday people and didn’t pay me anything. As a chef this is what we do we live in the hospitality industry and to many young chefs and even seasoned chefs forget who we are and the true meaning of a chef and hospitality.
If you weren't cooking, what would you be doing instead? If I wasn’t a chef I can honestly say I wouldn’t know what I would be doing. I guess I would be wondering what I want to do with my life, and how I could get into the culinary industry.
Advise for aspiring Chefs? Never stop learning, lose the ego, love and honor the food, and cook, cook, cook. We are blessed because we get to do things that we love, so it’s like we never work a day in our lives.
If you would like to keep up with Chef Rich, his upcoming projects, live cooking demos, social media, recipes Cooking classed and more, here are some of his links , Follow him!
His website and YouTube tutorials will be up soon! Stay tuned!
I hope this has inspired you in some way to follow your passion, to not only wish for something, but work hard towards making it happen!
The Things you are passionate about aren't random, they are your calling!